Sharing the Good News
Bringing the Church to those at home

The primary role of a LEV is to bring Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend services due to illness, infirmity, or other constraints. These compassionate individuals serve as a vital link between the congregation and homebound members, ensuring they remain connected to the worshiping community. LEVs visit homes, hospitals, and care facilities, offering not only the sacrament but also spiritual support, prayer, and a listening ear. Their ministry embodies the love and inclusivity of the Episcopal Church, reinforcing the message that all members are cherished and remembered, regardless of their circumstances.

To serve as a LEV, you must first be licensed by the Diocese. Licesnse Trainings happen throughout the year and generally take place on a Saturday. 

For information about attending a training, click here. Interested in being a LEV, reach out to our LEV Coordinator, Patty Battersby