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Elizabeth Beadle, Bill & Cathy Byerly, Stuart Campbell, Jan Christensen, Devin, Anne Droese, Nancy Dupuis, Erik, Karen Englehart, Kathleen Faraday, Pam Hall, Pat & Joe Harbison, Mary Sue Hutchins, Nyla Imberg, Jaci Jernstedt, Cat Jurichko, Margaret Mattox, Ronnie McCloskey, Cliff & Nancy Pinder, Laura Seidelman, Merle Silverman, Todd Smith, Roxanna Trutner, and Marilyn Van Story.

Backpack Drive - Thank you

Many thanks to everyone for your backpack filling last Sunday! You welcomed our visitors from Sydney Paige Foundation and Scout Troops 303 and 237, wrote dozens of encouraging notes to the students, and you made quick work of filling 150 teen backpacks. In addition, St. Stephen’s donors purchased backpacks and supplies for over 150 elementary school children this year. Good work, for sure!

Next Saturday, July 27 from 10am to noon St Stephen’s volunteers are invited to watch the fun as Mt Diablo students receive their backpacks. If you want to learn more and maybe come along to the event, please speak to Betsy Donnelly by THIS Monday, July 22.

4th of July Fun!

We are still remembering the fun on the St Stephen’s float at the Orinda 4th of July Parade! So many people came together to make it memorable: the decorating crew, the Friars and their delish Tri Tip dinner; everyone who walked or rode in the parade on the 4th. Special thanks to Russ Taft who once again worked his magic to make the St. Stephen’s float a reality.

Volunteer Spotlight

We’re headed to our Summer Era!

We might be headed for warmer weather, but St. Stephen’s isn’t slowing down! We have a great calendar of summer events, and we hope to see you at as many as possible!