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Harry James Anderson, Elizabeth Beadle, Bill & Cathy Byerly, Jan Christensen, Devin, Anne Droese, Nancy Dupuis, Erik, Karen Englehart, Kathleen Faraday, Kelly & Family, Pam Hall, Liz Hansen, Pat & Joe Harbison, Mary Sue Hutchins, Nyla Imberg, Jaci Jernstedt, Cat Jurichko, Margaret Mattox, Ronnie McCloskey, Cliff & Nancy Pinder, Tina Resnick, Laura Seidelman, Merle Silverman, Roxanna Trutner, and Marilyn Van Story, Douglas Walker, Anne Walker, Alice Walker.

Parish Picnic Tomorrow!

It’s time for the PARISH PICNIC.  See you tomorrow from 11am–2pm at the Orinda Community Park. Look for the St. Stephen’s banner near the Gazebo and you’ll find our reserved picnic space. Chat with friends, make new ones, enjoy a BBQ lunch, try your luck at corn hole and other games. There will be food and fun for all!


A last minute request:


If you you are able, can you bake or buy a couple dozen cookies? Just bring them with you and deliver to the food tables on Saturday when you arrive.

St. Stephen’s Day

We celebrate our patronal saint with a single service at 10am, followed by a Taco Bar lunch, a Ministries Fair in the courtyard, photo-taking for a new parish directory – and Mister Softee ice cream for dessert!


No, it’s not that sudden recall of why I came into this room! Every second Tuesday, The Senior Moments program at Monument Crisis Center provides clients ages 55+ with groceries, a healthy meal, time to socialize, blood pressure screenings and, most importantly, a sense of community. Staff and volunteers provide a healthy meal, fun decorations and entertainment. Additional program events include educational speakers and bilingual Bingo. MCC currently needs prizes for Senior Moments Bingo games. Popular examples include full-size toiletries, kitchen utensils, towels, socks, laundry detergent, dish soap, puzzles and more! If you’d like to support this worthwhile program, please drop off a prize item in the Parish Hall or Narthex by September 30. Or you may donate to MCC through St Stephen’s online or by check.