The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd.
As Labor Day approaches, I invite you to consider this holiday not just as a civic observance, but as a profoundly religious one.
While it’s easy to see Labor Day as the unofficial end of summer—a time for barbecues, family gatherings, and a welcome respite from work—I believe it carries a deeper, spiritual significance.
Labor Day is, at its heart, a celebration of the dignity of work. Our faith teaches us that work should not be merely a means to an end, but a sacred vocation.
Moreover, Labor Day is a moment to remember and honor those whose labor often goes unnoticed. I am reminded of my favorite prayer in the Compline service: “Watch over those, both night and day, who work while others sleep, and grant that we may never forget that our common life depends upon each other's toil.”
This Monday, I invite you to take a moment and give thanks for both our own labor as well as the work of others.
Between now and Thanksgiving, our liturgy will help remind us of the holiness of our work. We will be using the alternate post-Communion prayer, which offers, “And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.”
I wish you all a Happy and Safe Labor Day!
This Sunday there is no Sunday School. We look forward to seeing everyone the following week for St. Stephen’s Day - Sunday, September 8th 10AM.
Sunday’s Bulletin
Click the button below to download the bulletin.
Prayer List
The prayer list names those parishioners and neighbors who have been commended to us in prayer.
Harry James Anderson, Elizabeth Beadle, Bill & Cathy Byerly, Jan Christensen, Devin, Anne Droese, Nancy Dupuis, Erik, Karen Englehart, Kathleen Faraday, Kelly & Family, Pam Hall, Liz Hansen, Pat & Joe Harbison, Mary Sue Hutchins, Nyla Imberg, Jaci Jernstedt, Cat Jurichko, Margaret Mattox, Ronnie McCloskey, Cliff & Nancy Pinder, Tina Resnick, Laura Seidelman, Merle Silverman, Val Taft, Roxanna Trutner, and Marilyn Van Story, Douglas Walker, Anne Walker, Alice Walker.
‘Strategic’ Listening Session with Bishop Rios
When: Thursday, September 5th from 6:30 – 8:30pm
Where: St. Stephen’s Orinda Parish Hall (we host!)
Come help Rev Matt welcome our new Bishop, Austin Rios, and parishioners from East Bay Episcopal churches on Sept 5th. This is your opportunity to discuss your concerns and hopes for the future of the Diocese of California. St. Stephen’s hosts the inaugural ‘listening session’—please add your voice as we shape the vision for our Diocese.
Cookies are needed! Can you bake or buy a couple dozen to share with our guests on the 5th? Just bring them to the Parish Hall by 6:15pm. Thank you!
Parish Picnic - Thank you!
We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us for the parish picnic last weekend! The new location at Orinda Community Park turned out to be a wonderful spot for our gathering, and it was a joy to see so many of you there. We’re especially grateful to those who helped set up, tear down, cook, and brought delicious cookies—your efforts made the day extra special. We’re blessed to have such a supportive and engaged community!
NEXT Sunday, September 8th
Where: Church, Parish Hall, Courtyard
We celebrate our patronal saint with a single service at 10am, followed by a
festive Taco Bar lunch, a Ministries Fair in the courtyard, photo-taking for a
new parish directory, Mister Softee ice cream for dessert and a Bounce House
for the kids! A donation for the Taco Bar lunch is requested.
Cookies and Mister Softee ice cream for dessert? Yes! Please
bring cookies to share before the 10am service.
Thank you!
No, it’s not that sudden recall of why I came into this room! Every second Tuesday, The Senior Moments program at Monument Crisis Center provides clients ages 55+ with groceries, a healthy meal, time to socialize, blood pressure screenings and, most importantly, a sense of community. Staff and volunteers provide a healthy meal, fun decorations and entertainment. Additional program events include educational speakers and bilingual Bingo. MCC currently needs prizes for Senior Moments Bingo games. Popular examples include full-size toiletries, kitchen utensils, towels, socks, laundry detergent, dish soap, puzzles and more! If you’d like to support this worthwhile program, please drop off a prize item in the Parish Hall or Narthex by September 30. Or, you may donate to MCC through St Stephen’s online or by check.
Sunday, September 22nd after the 10am service. Rev Matt will teach a multi-generational confirmation class for all who wish to be confirmed at Grace Cathedral in the fall. More information soon.
ST. STEPHEN’S BOOK CLUB: We will be meeting on Tuesday, September 24 at 10 o'clock in the parish hall. Coffee and refreshments will be served prior to the meeting, when we'll be discussing "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" by Anne Bronte. Reading the book is encouraged by not required so please join us! For further information, please call Barbara Wackett at 925-256-9675.