We have been busily preparing for St. Stephen’s Day for the past several weeks, and we are all so excited to begin another year in ministry together!
While we haven’t set a formal theme for our program year, my mind keeps returning to the word “invitational.”
I think there are two different ways this comes into play—the first is we want to encourage parishioners to regularly invite their friends and neighbors here to St. Stephen’s. Maybe it’s just to walk around our campus while the fall leaves are turning…maybe we invite them to a music or fellowship event…we might even be so bold as to invite them to church!
We want to invite those outside the church in, but we also want to invite those within the church to go deeper. Maybe there is a ministry that you would like to get involved in? Our ministry fair is a perfect place to find out how you can be involved in the life of the church!
As in years past, we will gather to pray and bless the many groups and ministries which make St. Stephen’s a vibrant hub of service and fellowship. I hope you feel the blessing of St. Stephen’s and the care of its people—I know I will.
One final word about St. Stephen’s Day—we have hired photographers to help us capture the vibrant life here at St. Stephen’s be sure to wear your smile! Also, we’ll have volunteers taking pictures to help build our next photo directory.
Our 10am service is family friendly this week. Children are welcome to sit with their family or enjoy the kids corner in the Sanctuary.
YOUTH GROUP MEETING NEXT SUNDAY FROM 6-8PM: Next Sunday, September 15th, we are gathering our Youth Group to help evaluate a candidate for our Youth Minister position! Pizza, Salad, and Drinks will be provided. We would like both grown-ups and their 6-12th Grade students to attend. RSVP with the Church Office.
Sunday’s Bulletin
Click the button below to download the bulletin.
Prayer List
The prayer list names those parishioners and neighbors who have been commended to us in prayer.
Harry James Anderson, Elizabeth Beadle, Bill & Cathy Byerly, Jan Christensen, Devin, Anne Droese, Nancy Dupuis, Erik, Karen Englehart, Kathleen Faraday, Kelly & Family, Pam Hall, Liz Hansen, Pat & Joe Harbison, Mary Sue Hutchins, Nyla Imberg, Jaci Jernstedt, Cat Jurichko, Margaret Mattox, Ronnie McCloskey, Cliff & Nancy Pinder, Tina Resnick, Laura Seidelman, Merle Silverman, Val Taft, Roxanna Trutner, and Marilyn Van Story, Douglas Walker, Anne Walker, Alice Walker.
This Sunday, September 8th 10AM
Where: Church, Parish Hall, Courtyard
We celebrate our patronal saint with a single service at 10am, followed by a
festive Taco Bar lunch, a Ministries Fair in the courtyard, photo-taking for a
new parish directory, Mister Softee ice cream for dessert and a Bounce House
for the kids! A donation for the Taco Bar lunch is requested.
Cookies and Mister Softee ice cream for dessert? Yes! Please
bring cookies to share before the 10am service.
Thank you!
No, it’s not that sudden recall of why I came into this room! Every second Tuesday, The Senior Moments program at Monument Crisis Center provides clients ages 55+ with groceries, a healthy meal, time to socialize, blood pressure screenings and, most importantly, a sense of community. Staff and volunteers provide a healthy meal, fun decorations and entertainment. Additional program events include educational speakers and bilingual Bingo. MCC currently needs prizes for Senior Moments Bingo games. Popular examples include full-size toiletries, kitchen utensils, towels, socks, laundry detergent, dish soap, puzzles and more! If you’d like to support this worthwhile program, please drop off a prize item in the Parish Hall or Narthex by September 30. Or, you may donate to MCC through St Stephen’s online or by check.
Sunday, September 22nd after the 10am service. Rev Matt will teach a multi-generational confirmation class for all who wish to be confirmed at Grace Cathedral in the spring. More information soon.
ST. STEPHEN’S BOOK CLUB: We will be meeting on Tuesday, September 24 at 10 o'clock in the parish hall. Coffee and refreshments will be served prior to the meeting, when we'll be discussing "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" by Anne Bronte. Reading the book is encouraged by not required so please join us! For further information, please call Barbara Wackett at 925-256-9675.
Friday, September 20th, 1-3pm, is our monthly work session at the food bank in Concord. We’ll meet there and sort food for delivery throughout Contra Costa County. To learn how you can help, or if you’d like a ride, please contact Betsy or John Donnelly, 925-639-5602.