I’d like to thank everyone who helped make St. Stephen’s Day such a festive kickoff to our new year in ministry together!
Over the past few weeks, I have had several meetings with various ministry leaders and church committees. In all of them, I see a renewed sense of vibrance and purpose. Both before and after Sunday’s Ministry Fair, we see parishioners joining groups and infusing each of them with optimism and fellowship. It is proof that we all have something to offer, and that we are at our best when we are together.
I am grateful to you, our parish family. You give so generously of your time, talents, and treasure, and it is awe-inspiring to see you all come together to worship and serve in this place.
This Sunday we will observe the 17th day after Pentecost. We will be learning about the teachings of Solomon and what it means to be wise. We will hear the story of King Solomon and discuss what wisdom can look like in our lives today.We have some fun activities including Bible Bingo planned.
YOUTH GROUP MEETING THIS SUNDAY FROM 6-8PM: Next Sunday, September 15th, we are gathering our Youth Group to help evaluate a candidate for our Youth Minister position! Pizza, Salad, and Drinks will be provided. We would like both grown-ups and their 6-12th Grade students to attend. RSVP with the Church Office.
Sunday’s Bulletin
Click the button below to download the bulletin.
Prayer List
The prayer list names those parishioners and neighbors who have been commended to us in prayer.
Harry James Anderson, Elizabeth Beadle, Bill & Cathy Byerly, Jan Christensen, Anne Droese, Karen Englehart, Kelly & Family, Pam Hall, Liz Hansen, Pat & Joe Harbison, Mary Sue Hutchins, Nyla Imberg, Jaci Jernstedt, Cat Jurichko, Margaret Mattox, Ronnie McCloskey, Nancy Pinder, Tina Resnick, Laura Seidelman, Merle Silverman, Val Taft, Roxanna Trutner, Marilyn Van Story, Douglas, Anne & Alice Walker
St. Stephen’s Day - Thank You
EVERY PART OF ST. STEPHEN’S DAY WAS WONDERFUL…the liturgy, featuring a blessing of the ministries; the choir’s music; the TacoBar lunch; the Ministries Fair in the courtyard; the Bounce House and MisterSoftee truck. Special thanks to the Friars (Tom Camp, Russ Taft, John Hunt,Scott Rhoades); Hospitality Team 5 (Katie O’Brien, Margaret Qualls, Betsy Biern, Katie Rittmann, Evie Michon); the Parish Life Committee; and St. Stephen’s parishioners and visitors for being part of this special day.
KITCHEN TOWELS ARE MISSING! Hospitality needs your help: almost all the kitchen towels (many with St. Stephen’s name embroidered) are missing. Please check your laundry and return them ASAP. Many thanks!
Sunday, September 22nd after the 10am service. Rev Matt will teach a multi-generational confirmation class for all who wish to be confirmed at Grace Cathedral in the spring. More information soon.
ST. STEPHEN’S BOOK CLUB: We will be meeting on Tuesday, September 24 at 10 o'clock in the parish hall. Coffee and refreshments will be served prior to the meeting, when we'll be discussing "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" by Anne Bronte. Reading the book is encouraged by not required so please join us! For further information, please call Barbara Wackett at 925-256-9675.
It’s not too early to plan your trunk décor and buy wrapped candy. The blue tub will be in the Narthex for your donations of Halloween candies, as we prepare to host Preschool and Hilltop neighborhood kids and families on Sunday, October 27th. More details in the coming weeks.
It’s easier to get to know each other when we wear a St Stephen’s name tag! Don’t have one? Use a paper one and request a name tag on the clipboard in the Narthex. Or email the office and we will get one made for you!
Our next date at the Food Bank is Friday, September 20. We'll meet there, 4010 Nelson Ave, Concord, at 1pm. Or share a ride from St Stephen's; contact Betsy or John Donnelly for details. The Food Bank dates through the end of 2024 are October 18, November 15 and December 20. You are warmly invited to come along and participate with a very congenial team of volunteers.
SENIOR MOMENTS BINGO during September Monument Crisis Center needs prizes for their bilingual Senior Moments Bingo games. They suggest full-size toiletries, kitchen utensils, towels, socks, laundry detergent, dish soap, puzzles and more! Please leave your prize in the Parish Hall or Narthex by September 30, or you may donate to MCC through St Stephen’s online or by check.