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Children & Youth


Harry James Anderson, Elizabeth Beadle, Bill & Cathy Byerly, Jan Christensen, Anne Droese, Karen Englehart, Kelly & Family, Pam Hall, Liz Hansen, Pat & Joe Harbison, Mary Sue Hutchins, Nyla Imberg, Jaci Jernstedt, Cat Jurichko, Margaret Mattox, Ronnie McCloskey, Nancy Pinder, Tina Resnick, Laura Seidelman, Merle Silverman, Val Taft, Roxanna Trutner, Marilyn Van Story, Douglas, Anne & Alice Walker

St. Stephen’s Day - Thank You

EVERY PART OF ST. STEPHEN’S DAY WAS WONDERFUL…the liturgy, featuring a blessing of the ministries; the choir’s music; the TacoBar lunch; the Ministries Fair in the courtyard; the Bounce House and MisterSoftee truck. Special thanks to the Friars (Tom Camp, Russ Taft, John Hunt,Scott Rhoades); Hospitality Team 5 (Katie O’Brien, Margaret Qualls, Betsy Biern, Katie Rittmann, Evie Michon); the Parish Life Committee; and St. Stephen’s parishioners and visitors for being part of this special day.