The juxtaposition of Jesus
Why does Jesus silence reports of his identity as the Son of God?
Why does he speak so openly about his upcoming rejection and death?
The Messianic Secret in Mark’s Gospel
Jesus silences or tries to silence anyone who recognizes him as the Son of God
Jesus silences the demons who call him “The Holy One of God.”
He tells miracle recipients not to share the news of how they were healed, restored to life.
Anticipation builds expectation
For 800 years, Israel was anticipating a Messiah who would restore the Davidic Dynasty.
That meant the messiah was expected to be a Political and Military leader.
If people thought that Jesus was the messiah, their expectations would quickly outpace their anticipation.
Is the bidding towards silence an attempt to refocus Jesus’s messiahship towards the cross?
Peter responds that it is impossible for the Messiah to suffer death and rejection, but Jesus quickly corrects him—saying he is setting his mind on “human” rather than on “divine” things.
Jesus is inviting us into an “Upside Down Kingdom” where our expectations are completely inverted. The last will be first, the first will be last. The meek inherit the earth…
Want to save your life? You’ll lose it. Want to have eternal life? The only way to get it is through death. The messiah will not come to conquer, but to show the weakness of death’s claims on the world.